Extended Color Basic Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statements AUDIO ON AUDIO OFF CIRCLE(x,y),r,c,hw,start,end CLEAR n,h Reserve n bytes for strings, and use only up to address h for BASIC CLOAD CLOAD name CLOADM CLOADM name CLOADM name,offset CLOSE d CLS c COLOR (fg,bg) CONT CSAVE name CSAVE name,A CSAVEM name,a1,a2,ax DATA DEF FN DEFUSERn = addr DEL DIM DLOAD DRAW string EDIT linenumber END EXEC EXEC address FOR .. TO .. STEP / NEXT GET (start)-(end),dest,G GOSUB linenumber GOTO linenumber IF .. THEN .. ELSE INPUT INPUT #-1 LET LIST LLIST LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),PSET,BF LINE (x1,y1)-(x2,y2),PRESET,BF LINE INPUT MOTOR ON MOTOR OFF NEW ON .. GOSUB ON .. GOTO OPEN m,#d,filename PAINT (x,y),c,b PCLEAR n PCLS c PCOPY PLAY string PMODE mode,startpage POKE addr,value Save value at address addr, where 0 <= addr <= 65535, and 0 <= value <= 255 PRESET (x,y) PRINT PRINT #-1 PRINT #-2 PRINT TAB PRINT USING PRINT @location PSET (x,y,c) PUT (start)-(end),source,action READ REM RENUM newline,startline,increment RESET (x,y) RESTORE RETURN RUN SCREEN screentype,colorset SET (x,y,c) SKIPF SKIPF name SOUND tone,duration STOP TROFF TRON Functions ABS(num) ASC(str) ATN(num) CHR$(charcode) COS(num) EOF(f) EXP(num) FIX(num) HEX$(num) INKEY$ INSTR(first,str,substr) INT(num) JOYSTK(j) Reads joystick value j: 0=left_horiz 1=left_vert 2=right_horiz 3=right_vert LEFT$(str,length) LEN(str) LOG(num) MEM MID$(str,first,len) PEEK(address) POINT(x,y) POS(dev) PPOINT(x,y) RIGHT$(str,length) SGN(num) SIN(num) STRING$(length,charcode) STRING$(length,str) STR$(num) SQR(num) TAN(num) TIMER USRn(num) Calls the machine-language subroutine whose address was defined by DEFUSRn, where 0 <= n <= 9 VAL(str) VARPTR(var) Operators ^ Exponentiation -,+ Unary negative, positive *,/ Multiplication, division +,- Addition and concatenation, subtraction <,>,=,<=,>=,<> Relational tests NOT, AND, OR Logical operators Error messages Abbrev. Explanation /0 Division by zero AO File already open BS Bad subscript - out of range CN Cannot continue DD Redimensioned array DN Device number error DS Direct statement in file FC Illegal function call FD Bad file data FM Bad file mode ID Illegal direct IE Input past end of file I/O Input/Output error LS String too long NF NEXT without FOR NO File not open OD Out of data OM Out of memory OS Out of string space OV Overflow RG RETURN without GOSUB SN Syntax error ST String formula too complex TM Type mismatch UL Undefined line number